
School uniform is a source of collective pride

School uniform is essential in creating a sense of school identity and community among students. Among the wider community, uniformed pupils contribute positively to a school’s reputation. The argument goes that they give an impression of academic rigour and discipline. Another benefit of uniform-wearing is school safety. When all students are in uniform, it is easy to quickly identify anyone who shouldn’t be present in the school building. Also, when students are out in the community, it makes it easier to deal with anti-social behaviour. Members of the public can quickly identify the school that the students are from, based on what they’re wearing. A UK study found that almost 9 in 10 teachers believe that school uniforms reduce bullying. At the same time, 7 in 10 schoolchildren believe that wearing a uniform helps them to fit in. The same study found that two thirds of parents said that uniforms made their lives easier, saying uniforms help to create a level playing field. This might be because school uniforms can “poverty-proof” schools. They insulate students and their families from the financial pressure of wearing the latest trends or expensive labels. Even where money isn’t a concern, getting up every morning knowing what to wear makes things more simple for parents and students alike. It reduces anxieties around clothing choices for children and teenagers. Headteacher Emma Hattersly, writing in the Guardian, observed that uniforms are freeing, especially for teenage girls. “It shields students from the mounting social pressures to worry too much about one’s appearance.” In a world of fast fashion and social media selfies, a school uniform serves a practical purpose: it’s a refuge from the expectation to keep up with your peers.


Fan elasticated skirt from Innovation


Elasticated skirts are back!

Returning to the approved school uniform options is the elasticated fan pleat skirt from Innovation.

This item has been reintroduced due to popular demand and we’ve ensured that we’re well stocked in all sizes.

Come on in for a fitting.







#SmartiesTheMaltese is our official shop mascot.

Here he is modelling his custom fitted Ash Manor Blazer. Smarties will be a fairly regular member of staff at the offices (once his mum starts commuting again). He’s VERY sociable and is looking forward his new role and to meeting as many people as possible 🙂






This is where you’ll find us. DSA Golf moved into the Courtyard on Shawfield Road during the first lockdown in March 2020. Phoenix of Ash was launched on 4th January 2021 – just as we enter lockdown 3. We look forward to meeting you all as restrictions ease. We can accept online (click & collect) orders now. We’ll let you know when your order is completed and have it ready in the doorway for you. 🙂